
You Don’t Have To Write and Publish Every day…

But do it because you’re capable

Kimberly Fosu
3 min readMar 30, 2021


In the online world, do what works best for you. (Photo: StartupStockPhotos)

Everything Is True and Everything Is Not

The internet is filled with so many conflicting ideas that leave you confused. You’ll read stories that say write and publish every day to improve your writing skills.

That’s true. Quantity leads to quality.

You’ll also read stories that say don’t publish every day; think quality. Hmm. That’s also true.

Everything is true, and everything is not! I say do your thing.

In the online world, do what works best for you. Do what makes you sleep like a baby at night. Do what makes you feel good.

Other people’s advice works for them and may not work for you.

People Mean Well but…

When articles say don’t write and publish every day, they say it so we don’t overwhelm ourselves. When they say to write and publish every day, they say it so we improve our writing skills.

People mean well, but you know best.

Most people are capable of writing and publishing every day and can do it effortlessly, but they don’t because they read somewhere that they shouldn’t. They read that the cool writers publish once a week. So they do that too. They hold on to their work for weeks, nitpicking the heck out of it.

But you know what? That’s cool if it works for them.

Most people are capable of writing and publishing every day and can do it effortlessly, but they don’t because they read they shouldn’t.

Do Your Thing

Those who write full-time know holding on to articles is just silly.


I’d be working eight hours a day if I had a 9–5. I’m capable of writing at least one article in eight hours. Not publishing feels like not going to work because I didn't feel like it.

I write every weekday because I can. I do it because it’s fun. But everybody is different.

Most writers have full-time jobs and write on the side. If you aren't in the same situation, you can't listen to them. You know your life and situation best.

Other people’s advice works for them and may not work for you.

When I don't feel like writing on a weekend, I take a nap. I don’t force it. If you don’t feel like writing today, close the laptop and go play basketball. Paint your nails.

Relax a bit and stay true to your body and mind.

We All Deserve a Break

I believe in writing a lot. I genuinely enjoy writing. I don’t consider it work. Writing is a passion, but I also believe in not forcing anything.


When I can, I write a lot to compensate for days that I can’t. So when I can’t, I’m not hard on myself. I pat myself on the back because I work hard.

I close my laptop, go to the store for a large Icee, and then I come home, sit on the couch, and watch movies on Netflix.

We all deserve a break, especially when you know you work hard.

The Internet Battles Against Itself

You can’t listen to the chaos. Listening to other people without discernment leaves you frustrated. The only thing to listen to is your intuition.

It's the only thing you can trust.

When I force myself to write, it's not fun and my work sucks when I’m not having fun. When I go do something else, I naturally miss writing so I return to my computer, excited to write.

I do my thing. You do your thing.

Write a lot, but not when you’d rather be doing something else.



Kimberly Fosu

Purpose Coach. I'm kind of obsessed with God. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW1BMHLY