This is brilliant! 💡Graham.
Thanks for taking the time to write this in response. This is very helpful to me as I search for my truth. They’re just thoughts.
I’m in a point where I’m drawn to the words in the Scripture. I’m drawn to the words and not the religious aspects. I’m draw to its hidden wisdom and mysteries.
I’m exploring life, death and the afterlife. It’s a weird space to be in so bear with me.
It’s unfolding and I’m still working. I stand by my beliefs and I want you to stand by yours until you say otherwise.
We can have different beliefs and that’s perfectly fine. Don’t be shaken by my beliefs. Stand strong. My beliefs aren’t written in stone and I’m not afraid to move outdated beliefs to the back of my mind!
All thoughts are welcome in response to my beliefs just be nice in disagreeing and tell me what you believe.
We can agree to disagree respectfully and keep on searching for the truth. The truth is what this is all about so tell me what you believe happens after we become spirit and soul. ✨