I’m not sure what I did to break my Medium account

But I take full responsibility

Kimberly Fosu
2 min readMay 20, 2024
(Photo: Canva)

It seems like my account is broken and I’m not sure what went wrong.

For some time now, my account has been experiencing a significant decline in visibility, and I’m unable to understand the cause. Despite my efforts to reach out to various people at Medium, the issue persists.

And the more I sit back and watch, praying and hoping that things are fixed, the problem seems to get worse.

I’ve tried to identify the problem by discussing it with fellow writers, but we haven’t been able to find a solution.

The lack of visibility is not only affecting my personal account but also my publication, Mystic Minds.

My personal account and my publication is hidden and it may be something I said. Whatever it is, I take full responsibility.

I’m passionate about teaching on the internet, and Medium has been an essential platform for me to share my knowledge and ideas.

This is my home and I belong here.

I don’t want to stop writing on Medium, and I’m eager to resolve this issue.

I kindly request that someone from Medium review my account, provide feedback on what might have gone wrong, and help me fix the problem.

Tony Stubblebine Adrienne Gibbs Ariel Meadow Stallings Scott Lamb Justin Arn Buster Benson
Terrie Schweitzer
Brittany Jezouit

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated, and I hope to continue sharing my thoughts and ideas with the Medium community.



Kimberly Fosu

Spiritual life coach focused on spirituality, faith and inspiration. My new book "Who Am I?" is available on Amazon now. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW1BMHLY