Hmmm. It is a tricky one.
If you ask me, the only advice I know of in rebuking demons and negative entities is with the name and the blood of Jesus. 🩸
And this has nothing to do with religion. It's about needing real help.
I know demons fear that name and if it's declared with intense energy and emotion to back it up, demons must leave because of free will, and also Jesus was in the business of driving out demons and evil spirits and they flee at the mention of the name.
He can be called on to assist.
If someone I cared about was struggling with demonic spirits, I’d see to it that the name of God was always on his lips and on their mind. It’d really have to saturate their souls so demons won't thrive within them.
Prayer, meditation, worship, reading the Bible, thanksgiving, forgiveness, being and doing good all will help and if the problem persists deliverance to drive them out by force.
That’s how I would go about it but that’s just me.