Getting assistance is not the problem. It’s easy to find money but my true concern is are you trying to get to the bottom of it?
How are you fighting the negative thoughts inside your head? Do you pray? Do you meditate?
Do you do what you need to do to fight this or have you accepted a life of misery as your fate?
Cmon now!
You were made for so much more! This isn’t the life you came here to live!
Take this seriously and start rebuking the devil!
Tell him you’ve had it! No more! Enough is enough!
Wherever your Bible is, go get it out, dust it off and start reading some verses in Matthew.
Hear Jesus speak then get up and take your power back.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added into you.
You, lady, are powerful beyond measure but you have to see it.